I live in an apartment in a sort of historic building. There's been a ton of work on the place, as it had fallen into serious disrepair over the years. The last two HUGE projects involve recreating three porches: the main front porch, with a nice little porch on top of it for me (if I want to climb out the window), and a fairly large side porch, again with a second-level porch that attaches to my apartment. I decided today I'm really looking forward to the side porch. I access it through French doors, much easier, and I think I'll be able to sit on it in my nightgown. I like to be outside, but I don't always want to interact with the other seven apartment dwellers on the backyard patios. I like alternatives.
I mentioned in my previous post that I really need a small, mindless project to work on, and I think I found it. I had started the Tuxedo Top from a last-year's IK last fall, and didn't get too far. Right now it's just back-and-forth stockinette and the occasional decrease. I think I can do it. By the time I have to do the front plackets and some lacy bits, I should be back on my stride. Though I must admit, the bright orange Trekking XXL is calling my name, for its color alone. Socks now? Hmm. Not sure. I usually do have a pair going, since they're so easy to transport. Maybe if I leave the yarn on the table tonight, it will speak to me by morning.
(I'm lucky to have a cat mostly uninterested in yarn, believe it or not. Mitzie doesn't like tuna water or other people food either, and best of all, doesn't like wet cat food!)